SERAPH Professional Business Ethics
End Conflict, Internal Theft and Harassment
The business world is forever changing, and organizations must be able to adapt to these changes if they want to experience longevity. It is important to understand the changing culture the new millennium is bringing to the workplace. By combining the worlds of psychology, sociology and semantics, the SERAPH Professional Business Ethics seminar teaches a new ethic for the new millennium. Using improvisational training, exercises and action, this program provides your vendors, employees, and management with the necessary skills to improve ethical and professional behavior. SERAPH Professional Business Ethics also provides skills for improved communication. By exploring the terms highlighted below, the participants will learn to change their personal attitudes about ethics and what it means to be a professional.
Attitude – How it effects your performance and your health
Professionalism – How to be your best without compromising your integrity
Efficiency – Working smarter not harder
Communication – How to talk and listen
Minimizing stress through professional behavior